Prize: 2017.11.17 Anja C. Andersen has been awarded the Danish Authors' Society Literary Prize 2017 The prize has previously been awarded, among others, to Ebbe Kløvedal Reich, Tor Nørretranders, Jør…
AWARD: 2017.11.16 Mogens Høgh Jensen appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog Mogens Høgh Jensen was appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog by HM Queen Margrethe on the…
The Star That Would Not Die: 2017.11.08 New discovery: Supernova explodes several times Astronomers have for the first time discovered a star that exploded multiple times over a period of…
GRAVITATIONAL WAVES: 2017.10.17 Neutron star smash shakes universe Scientists have, for the first time, captured gravitational waves as well as light, from two neutro…
NEUTRON STAR MERGER: 2017.10.16 Now we can find out where the heavy elements come from The discovery of a kilonova produced by the collision of two neutron stars brings researchers a big…
2017.10.12 Congratulations to Niccolò Maffezzoli Congratulations to Niccolò Maffezzoli at the Centre for Ice and Climate who successfully defended…
Building block of life in Space: 2017.10.03 ALMA and Rosetta Detect Freon-40 in Space Observations made with ALMA and ESA’s Rosetta mission by an international team, including…
Climate research: 2017.10.03 New generation ESA-satellites capable of revealing future sea level rises NEGIS, the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, splits into three gigantic glaciers - holding back ice…
Quantum computer: 2017.10.02 New ’building material’ points toward quantum computers A Danish-American research team has shown that it is possible to produce ‘Majorana particles’ in a…
Star formation: 2017.09.15 Star formation influenced by local environmental conditions Three scientists at Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen, have carried out extensiv…