Grant: 2020.02.05 Heloisa N. Bordallo receives Carlsberg grant for state of the art equipment Associate professor Heloisa N. Bordallo at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen…
cancer research 2020.02.05 29-year-old Danish physicist helps pioneering Harvard researchers understand cancer The result is a major step forward towards understanding and preventing cancer. The new knowledge…
Grant: 2020.01.23 Three young scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants Three young scientists, Mauricio Bustamante, Amin Doostmohammadi and Johan Samsing get to boost…
Astrophysics, Galaxies: 2020.01.17 The core of massive dying galaxies already formed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang The most distant dying galaxy discovered so far, more massive than our Milky Way — with more than a…
Award: 2020.01.15 Eugene S. Polzik Named Recipient of the 2020 Herbert Walther Award The Optical Society (OSA) and the Deutsche Physikalische Gesell¬schaft (DPG) have named OSA Fellow…
Astrophysics: 2019.12.16 Carbon cocoons surround growing galaxies far beyond previous beliefs, says new study from the Niels Bohr Institute Researchers have discovered gigantic clouds of gaseous carbon spanning more than a radius of 30,000…
Galaxy 2019.12.13 Astronomers spot giant dusty galaxy forming during the infancy of our universe Researchers have spotted an enormous, dusty star-forming galaxy 13 billion light years away from…
Award: 2019.12.03 Professor Charles Marcus awarded the Industrial Award 2019 from The Danish Academy of Natural Sciences This year’s recipient of the Industrial Award is Charles Marcus, Professor at the Niels Bohr…
The death of a star: 2019.11.21 Extremely energetic particles coupled with the violent death of a star for the first time Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen and DTU Space in Lyngby have…
Appointment: 2019.11.18 Anders Søndberg Sørensen awarded Optical Society of America Fellow Optical Society of America awards a number of scientists the honor of a fellowship. The award honor…