HET seminar: Vasileios Niarchos
Speaker: Vasileios Niarchos
Title: Non-supersymmetric dualities and the phases of QCD3
Abstract: A scenario for the phases of vacuum QCD3 has been proposed recently by Komargodski and Seiberg. Three phases occur in this scenario: a phase of bosonization, a phase of spontaneous global symmetry breaking and a phase captured by some IR CFT. I will present an embedding of this scenario in a non-supersymmetric Seiberg duality. The magnetic dual incorporates naturally all the proposed phases. In particular, it incorporates bosonization and symmetry breaking as different patterns of magnetic squark condensation (or in a string theory embedding as different patterns of open string tachyon condensation and brane reconnection). It provides also a natural candidate for the IR CFT of the conjectured CFT phase.