Modern approaches to scattering amplitudes

Recent years have seen tremendous advances in both our understanding of quantum field theory and in our ability to make predictions for experiment. The predicted probabilities for all the possible outcomes of any experiment are encoded by functions called scattering amplitudes. 





















The project is led by N. Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr, Jacob Bourjaily and Poul Henrik Damgaard.

Recent years have seen tremendous advances in both our understanding of quantum field theory and in our ability to make predictions for experiment. The predicted probabilities for all the possible outcomes of any experiment are encoded by functions called scattering amplitudes.


We acknowledge funding from the public foundations of Denmark (Danish National Research Foundation), from Eurepean Resarch Council and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764850 “SAGEX” ) as well as private Danish foundations (Carlsberg foundation, Lundbeck foundation, Villum Foundation).




































































































































































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Bjerrum-Bohr, Emil Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Billede af Bjerrum-Bohr, Emil
Damgaard, Poul Henrik Professor Billede af Damgaard, Poul Henrik

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