HET- seminar: Natália Tenorio Maia
Speaker: Natália Tenorio Maia
Title: EFT for gravitational waves: radiation reaction, spin and high order effects
Abstract: In order to detect and study the data encoded in a gravitational wave signal, it is necessary not only an extreme accurate detector, but also an accurate theoretical description of the dynamics of the source and the radiation emitted by it. The inspiral stage of a binary system of compact bodies, in which a hierarchy among the scales is present, invites us to use an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach which makes use of a perturbative expansion in terms of the relative velocity of the two-body system, know as the Post-Newtonian (PN) expansion. Although QFT techniques are used, the calculations performed using this EFT framework are restricted to the classical level. In this talk, I will give a brief review on the EFT formalism and discuss results regarding radiation reaction, spin and high order effects for a binary system of compact bodies.