Joint Theory Seminar: Kaiwen Sun
Title: Fun with E_{7+1/2}
Abstract: $E_{7+1/2}$ is an intermediate Lie algebra filling a hole between $E_7$ and $E_8$ in the Cvitanovic-Deligne exceptional series. It was found independently by Mathur, Muhki, Sen in 1988 in the classification of 2d RCFTs via modular linear differential equations (MLDE) and by Deligne, Cohen, de Man in 1996 in representation theory. It has dimension 190 and dual Coxeter number 24, and in many aspects behaves like a simple Lie algebra. I will talk about some recent progress on $E_{7+1/2}$ including some potential new CFTs, and also some related interesting algebras such as $D_{6+1/2}$ and $A_{5+1/2}$ and their applications.
Student session: 13:10