Theoretical high energy, astroparticle and gravitational physics

  1. 2013
  2. Published

    Magnetic moment of constituent fermions in ground states with spontaneously broken translational invariance

    Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech & Soni, V., 2 Oct 2013, In: Physics Letters B. 726, 1-3, p. 41-44

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Cooper pair transfer in nuclei

    Potel, G., Idini, A., Barranco, F., Vigezzi, E. & Broglia, R. A., 1 Oct 2013, In: Reports on Progress in Physics. 76, 10, 106301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Electroelasticity of charged black branes

    Armas, J. S. N. D. O. B., Gath, J. & Obers, Niels A. , 1 Oct 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 035.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Example of a stable wormhole in general relativity

    Bronnikov, K. A., Lipatova, L. N., Shatskiy, A. A. & Novikov, I. D., 1 Oct 2013, In: Gravitation & Cosmology. 19, 4, p. 269-274

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Fluctuations of systems in finite heat reservoirs with applications to phase transitions in lipid membranes

    Mosgaard, L. D., Jackson, Andrew D. & Heimburg, Thomas Rainer, 25 Sep 2013, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 139, 12, 125101.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Global residues and two-loop hepta-cuts

    Søgaard, M., 23 Sep 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 9, 116.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    The XXZ Heisenberg model on random surfaces

    Ambjørn, Jan & Sedrakyan, A., 21 Sep 2013, In: Nuclear Physics B. 874, 3, p. 877-888

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Self-bound many-body states of quasi-one-dimensional dipolar Fermi gases: Exploiting Bose-Fermi mappings for generalized contact interactions

    Deuretzbacher, F., Bruun, G. M., Pethick, C. J., Jona-Lasinio, M., Reimann, S. M. & Santos, L., 10 Sep 2013, In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics). 88, 3, p. 033611 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Combinatorial nuclear level-density model

    Uhrenholt, H., Aberg, S., Dobrowolski, A., Døssing, Thomas, Ichikawa, T. & Moeller, P., 2 Sep 2013, In: Nuclear Physics A. 913, p. 127-156

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Planck intermediate results XI. The gas content of dark matter halos: the Sunyaev-Zeldovich-stellar mass relation for locally brightest galaxies

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Sep 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 557, A52.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Published

    Planck intermediate results. XII: Diffuse Galactic components in the Gould Belt system

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Alves, M. I. R., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Balbi, A., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Sep 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 557, A53.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Published

    QCD sign problem as a total derivative

    Greensite, J. P., Myers, J. C. & Splittorff, Kim, 9 Aug 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 88, 3, 6 p., 031502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Published

    A simple method for one-loop renormalization in curved space-time

    Markkanen, T. & Tranberg, A., 1 Aug 2013, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2013, 8, 045.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. Published

    Local properties of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe cold spot

    Zhao, W., 1 Aug 2013, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 433, 4, p. 3498-3505

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Published

    Investigating the Sharpe-Singleton scenario on the lattice by direct eigenvalue computation: 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory

    Suorsa, J. M., Rantalaiho, T., Rummukainen, K., Splittorff, Kim & Weir, D. J., 29 Jul 2013, In: P o S - Proceedings of Science. C13-07-29.1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Published

    Correlation functions of the SU(infinity) principal chiral model

    Cubero, A. C. & Orland, P. O., 25 Jul 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 66, 2, 025044.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. Published

    Large-scale anomalies of the CMB in the curvaton scenario

    Liu, H., Frejsel, A. M. & Nasselski, Pavel, 22 Jul 2013, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2013, 07.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Published

    Equation of State and Neutron Star Properties Constrained by Nuclear Physics and Observation

    Hebeler, K., Lattimer, J. M., Schwenk, A. & Pethick, C. J., 19 Jul 2013, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 773, 1, 14 p., 11.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Published

    Trees and spatial topology change in CDT

    Ambjørn, Jan & Budd, T. G., 19 Jul 2013, In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 46, 31

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. Published

    Transport in very dilute solutions of3 He in superfluid 4He

    Baym, G. A., Beck, D. H. & Pethick, C. J., 17 Jul 2013, In: Physical Review B. 88, 1, p. 014512 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  22. Published

    Integrand oxidation and one-loop colour-dual numerators in N=4 gauge theory

    Bjerrum-Bohr, Emil, Dennen, T. L., Ferreira Monteiro, R. J. & O'Connell, D. F., 15 Jul 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 7, 092.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. Published

    Seeking a Game in which the standard model Group shall Win

    Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech & Bennett, D., 11 Jul 2013, Proceedings, Mini-Workshop on Understanding hadronic spectra. Bled, Slovenia, C11-07-03.2

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  24. Published

    Universality of 2d causal dynamical triangulations

    Ambjørn, Jan & Ipsen, A. C., 9 Jul 2013, In: Physics Letters B. 724, 1-3, p. 150-154

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. Published

    Light emission and finite-frequency shot noise in molecular junctions: From tunneling to contact

    Lu, J. T., Christensen, R. B. & Brandbyge, M., 8 Jul 2013, In: Physical Review B. 88, 4, 045413.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. Published


    Ambjørn, Jan, Görlich, A., Jurkiewicz, J. & Roll, R., 1 Jul 2013, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 22, 9, 19 p., 1330019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Published

    Momentum relation and classical limit in the future-not-included complex action theory

    Nagao, K. & Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech, 1 Jul 2013, In: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2013, 7, 073A03.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Published
  29. Published

    Giant D5 brane holographic Hall state

    Kristjansen, Charlotte Fløe & Semenoff, G. W., 15 Jun 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 6, 048.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. Published

    Naturalness of light neutralino dark matter in pMSSM after LHC, XENON100 and Planck data

    Boehm, C., Dev, P. S. B., Pukartas, E. & Mazumdar, A., 15 Jun 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 6, 113.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Published

    Explaining Phenomenologically Observed Space-time Flatness Requires New Fundamental Scale Physics

    Bennett, D. & Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech, 11 Jun 2013, Bled Proceedings "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models'. 16 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  32. Published

    Consistency tests for Planck and WMAP in the low multipole domain

    Frejsel, A. M., Hansen, M. A. K. & Liu, H., 4 Jun 2013, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2013, 6, 005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. Published

    Lifshitz holographic renormalization from anti-de Sitter

    Chemissany, W., Geissbuehler, D., Hartong, J. & Rollier, B., 1 Jun 2013, In: Canadian Journal of Physics. 91, 6, p. 457-459

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Published

    Loops and spurs: the angular power spectrum of the Galactic synchrotron background

    Mertsch, P. & Sarkar, S., 1 Jun 2013, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2013, 6, 27 p., 041.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Published

    Planck intermediate results IX. Detection of the Galactic haze with Planck

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Balbi, A., Banday, A. J., Barreiro, R. B., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Jun 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 554, A139.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. Published

    Planck intermediate results X. Physics of the hot gas in the Coma cluster

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Baccigalupi, C., Aumont, J., Balbi, A., Banday, A. J., Barreiro, R. B., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Jun 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 554, A140.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  37. Published

    Quantitative study of coherent pairing modes with two-neutron transfer: Sn isotopes

    Potel, G., Idini, A., Barranco, F., Vigezzi, E. & Broglia, R. A., 20 May 2013, In: Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics). 87, 5, 054321.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  38. Published


    bennett, D. L., Das, C. R., Laperashvili, L. V. & Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech, 20 May 2013, In: International Journal of Modern Physics A. 28, 13, 1350044.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Published

    The toroidal Hausdorff dimension of 2d Euclidean quantum gravity

    Ambjørn, Jan & Budd, T. G., 16 May 2013, In: Physics Letters B. 724, 4-5, p. 328-332

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Published

    Particle Number and 3D Schroedinger Holography

    Hartong, J. & Rollier, B., 15 May 2013, In: arXiv. 1305.3653, 58 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Published

    Dynamics of the inner crust of neutron stars: Hydrodynamics, elasticity, and collective modes

    Kobyakov, D. & Pethick, C. J., 13 May 2013, In: Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics). 87, 5, p. 055803 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Published

    Three-loop octagons and n-gons in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

    Caron Huot, S. & He, S., 13 May 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 101, 38 p., 1308.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Published


    bennett, D. L., Laperashvili, L. V., Tureanu, A. & Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech, 10 May 2013, In: International Journal of Modern Physics A. 28, 12, 1350035.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Published

    Special features in the asymptotic expression of the electromagnetic spectrum from dipole which free fall into a Schwarzschild black hole

    Shatskiy, A. A., Novikov, I. D. & Lipatova, L. N., 2 Apr 2013, In: arXiv. 1304.0644, 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. Published

    Colour-Kinematics duality for one-loop rational amplitudes

    Boels, R. H., Isermann, R. S., Marmiroli, D. & O'Connell, D. F., 1 Apr 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2103, 4, 107.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Published

    Creating perturbations from a decaying field during inflation

    Mazumdar, A. & Wang, L., 1 Apr 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 8, p. 083501 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. Published

    Holographic models for theories with hyperscaling violation

    Gath, J., Hartong, J., Ferreira Monteiro, R. J. & Obers, Niels A. , 1 Apr 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 159.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  48. Published

    On genera of curves from high-loop generalized unitarity cuts

    Huang, R. & Zhang, Y., 1 Apr 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2103, 4, 080.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Published

    Right-handed neutrino production at finite temperature: radiative corrections, soft and collinear divergences

    Garbrecht, B., Glowna, F. & Herranen, M. H., 1 Apr 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 4, 099.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Published

    Three-point functions in N=2 higher-spin holography

    Moradi, H. & Zoubos, K., 1 Apr 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 4, 018.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  51. Published

    Deconstructing supersymmetric S matrices in D <= 2+1

    Agarwal, A. & Young, D. M., 28 Mar 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 6, 065029.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  52. Published

    Multiple dark matter scenarios from ubiquitous stringy throats

    Chialva, D., Dev, P. S. B. & Mazumdar, A., 22 Mar 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 6, p. 063522 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  53. Published

    Planck 2013 Results. XXIV. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Armitage-Caplan, C., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Novikov, I. D. & Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., 20 Mar 2013, In: arXiv. 1303.5084, 56 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  54. Published

    Planck 2013 results. XIX. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Armitage-Caplan, C., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Novikov, I. D. & Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., 20 Mar 2013, In: arXiv. 1303.5079, 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  55. Published

    Planck 2013 results. XVIII. Gravitational lensing-infrared background correlation

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Armitage-Caplan, C., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Novikov, I. D. & Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., 20 Mar 2013, In: arXiv. 1303.5078, 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  56. Published

    Planck 2013 results. XXI. Cosmology with the all-sky Planck Compton parameter y-map

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Armitage-Caplan, C., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Novikov, I. D. & Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., 20 Mar 2013, In: arXiv. 1303.5081, 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  57. Published

    2d CDT is 2d Horava-Lifshitz quantum gravity

    Ambjørn, Jan, Glaser, L., Sato, Y. & Watabiki, Y., 13 Mar 2013, In: Physics Letters B: Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology. 722, 1-3, p. 172-175

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  58. Published

    Exploring Torus Universes in Causal Dynamical Triangulations

    Budd, T. G. & Loll, R., 7 Mar 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 88, 2, 14 p., 024015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  59. Published

    The two-loop six-point amplitude in ABJM theory

    Caron Huot, S. & Huang, Y., 1 Mar 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 3, 075.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  60. Published

    Relativistic elasticity of stationary fluid branes

    Armas, J. & Obers, Niels A. , 28 Feb 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 4, p. 044058 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  61. Published

    Subsets of configurations and canonical partition functions

    Bloch, J., Bruckmann, F., Kieburg, M., Verbaarschot, J. J. M. & Splittorff, Kim, 19 Feb 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 3, p. 034510 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  62. Published

    On supercurrent superfields and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in N=1 gauge theories

    Arnold, D., Derendinger, J. P. & Hartong, J., 11 Feb 2013, In: Nuclear Physics B. 867, 2, p. 370-393

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  63. Published

    Theory including future not excluded: Formulation of complex action theory II

    Nagao, K. & Nielsen, Holger Frits Bech, 4 Feb 2013, In: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2013, 2, p. 023B04

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  64. Published

    Lev Landau and the concept of neutron stars

    Yakovlev, D. G., Haensel, P., Baym, G. A. & Pethick, C. J., 1 Feb 2013, In: Physics - Uspekhi. 56, 3, p. 289-295

    Research output: Contribution to journalReviewResearchpeer-review

  65. Published

    Planck intermediate results II. Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Balbi, A., Banday, A. J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A128.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  66. Published

    Planck intermediate results IV. The XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck galaxy clusters

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Balbi, A., Banday, A., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Novikov, I. D. & Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A130.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  67. Published

    Planck intermediate results V. Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A131.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  68. Published

    Planck intermediate results VI. The dynamical structure of PLCKG214.6+37.0, a Planck discovered triple system of galaxy clusters

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A132.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  69. Published

    Planck intermediate results VII. Statistical properties of infrared and radio extragalactic sources from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue at frequencies between 100 and 857 GHz

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Argueeso, F., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Christensen, Per Rex, Noergaard-Nielsen, H. U., Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A133.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  70. Published

    Planck intermediate results VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel & Novikov, I. D., 1 Feb 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 550, A134.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  71. Published

    The classification of two-loop integrand basis in pure four-dimension

    Feng, B. & Huang, R., 1 Feb 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 2, 117.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  72. Published

    Probing the supersymmetric inflaton and dark matter link via the CMB, LHC, and XENON1T experiments

    Boehm, C., Da Silva, J., Mazumdar, A. & Ernestas, E., 29 Jan 2013, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 87, 2, 023529.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  73. Published

    Solitary-wave solutions in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates under periodic boundary conditions

    Smyrnakis, J., Magiropoulos, M., Kavoulakis, G. M. & Jackson, Andrew D., 7 Jan 2013, In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics). 87, 1, 013603.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  74. Published

    Chiral primary one-point functions in the D3-D7 defect conformal field theory

    Kristjansen, Charlotte Fløe, Semenoff, G. W. & Young, D. M., 1 Jan 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 1, 117.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  75. Published

    On three-point functions in the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence

    Bissi, A., Kristjansen, Charlotte Fløe, Martirosyan, A. & Orselli, M., 1 Jan 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 1, 137.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  76. Published

    On using cold baryogenesis to constrain the two-Higgs doublet model

    Tranberg, A. & Wu, B., 1 Jan 2013, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2013, 1, 046.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  77. Published

    A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, First-In-Human Study of a Novel Clade C Therapeutic Peptide Vaccine Administered Ex Vivo to Autologous White Blood Cells in HIV Infected Individuals

    Jackson, Andrew D., Kløverpris, Henrik Nyhus, Boffito, M., Handley, A., Atkins, M., Hayes, P., Gilmour, J., Riddel, L., Chen, F., Bailey-Tippets, M., Walker, B., Ackland, J., Sullivan, M. & Goulder, P., 2013, In: PLoS ONE.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  78. Published

    Causal set d'Alembertians for various dimensions

    Dowker, F. & Glaser, L., 2013, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 30, 19, 10 p., 195016.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  79. Published

    Discretization effects in the ε domain of QCD

    Kieburg, M., Splittorff, Kim, Verbaarschot, J. J. M. & Zafeiropoulos, S., 2013, In: P o S - Proceedings of Science. 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  80. Published

    Holographic Three point Functions

    Bissi, A., 2013, Niels Bohr Institute ed. The Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. 168 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesisResearch

  81. Published

    Hydrodynamics and Elasticity of Charged Black Branes

    Gath, J., 2013, The Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. 100 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesisResearch

  82. Published

    Introduction to causal dynamical triangulations

    Görlich, A., 2013, Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology. Calcagni, G., Papantonopoulos, L., Siopsis, G. & Tsamis, N. (eds.). Springer VS, Vol. 863. p. 93-117 25 p. (Lecture Notes in Physics).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

  83. Published

    Non-Immunogenicity of Overlapping Gag Peptides Pulsed on Autologous Cells after Vaccination of HIV Infected Individuals

    Kløverpris, Henrik Nyhus, Jackson, Andrew D., Handley, A., Hayes, P., Gilmour, J., Riddell, L., Chen, F., Atkins, M., Boffito, M., Walker, B. D., Ackland, J., Sullivan, M. & Goulder, P., 2013, In: PLoS ONE.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  84. Published

    Overview of large N QCD with chemical potential at weak and strong coupling

    Hollowood, T. J. & Myers, J. C., 2013, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online). 432, 1, p. 1-5 5 p., 012028.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  85. Published

    Wilson chiral perturbation theory, Wilson-Dirac operator eigenvalues and clover improvement

    Damgaard, Poul Henrik, Heller, U. M. & Splittorff, Kim, 2013, In: P o S - Proceedings of Science. Confinement X, 8 p., 077.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  86. 2012
  87. Published

    Excitation spectrum of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring potentia

    Smyrnakis, J., Magiropoulos, M., Jackson, Andrew D. & Kavoulakis, G. M., 16 Dec 2012, In: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 45, 23, p. 235302

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  88. Published

    Black Branes as Piezoelectrics

    Armas, J. S. N. D. O. B., Gath, J. & Obers, Niels A. , 10 Dec 2012, In: Physical Review Letters. 109, 24, p. 241101 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  89. Published

    Holographic renormalization for z=2 Lifshitz spacetimes from AdS

    Chemissany, W., Geissbuehler, D., Hartong, J. & Rollier, B., 7 Dec 2012, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 29, 23, p. 235017

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  90. Published

    Planck early results. I. The Planck mission

    Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Christensen, Per Rex, Nasselski, Pavel, Baccigalupi, C., Baker, M., Balbi, A., Banday, A. J. & Barreiro, R. B., 1 Dec 2012, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 536, p. A1

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  91. Published

    Thermal Giant Gravitons

    Armas, J. S. N. D. O. B., Harmark, Troels, Obers, Niels A. , Orselli, M. & Pedersen, A. V., 28 Nov 2012, In: Journal of High Energy Physics (Online). 2012, p. 123 43 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  92. Published

    Semi-classical dynamical triangulations

    Ambjørn, Jan & Budd, T. G., 15 Nov 2012, In: Physics Letters B. 718, 1, p. 200-204 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  93. Published

    Ultraviolet cancellations in half-maximal supergravity as a consequence of the double-copy structure

    Bern, Z., Davies, S., Huang, Y. & Dennen, T. L., 7 Nov 2012, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 86, 10, p. 105014 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  94. Published

    New Ways to Determine Low-Energy Constants with Wilson Fermions

    Damgaard, Poul Henrik, Heller, U. M. & Splittorff, Kim, 5 Nov 2012, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 86, 9, p. 094502 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  95. Published

    Quantum corrections to inflation and curvatio dynamics

    Markkanen, T. & Tranberg, A., 1 Nov 2012, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2012, 11, p. 027

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  96. Published

    Thermodynamics of strongly allosteric inhibition: a model study of HIV-1 protease

    Kimura, S., Broglia, R. A. & Tiana, G., 1 Nov 2012, In: European Biophysics Journal. 41, 11, p. 991-1001 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  97. Published

    Can residuals of the solar system foreground explain low multipole anomalies of the CMB?

    Hansen, M., Kim, J., Frejsel, A. M., Nasselski, Pavel, Ramazanov, S., Zhao, W. & Burigana, C., 31 Oct 2012, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2012, 10, p. 059

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  98. Published

    Bilocal phase operators in beta-deformed super Yang-Mills

    Søgaard, M., 8 Oct 2012, In: Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology). 86, 8, p. 085016 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  99. Published

    Faraday rotation as a diagnostic of Galactic foreground contamination of cosmic microwave background maps

    Zhao, W., Hansen, M. A. K., Frejsel, A. M., Nasselski, Pavel, Kim, J. & Verkhodanov, O. V., 1 Oct 2012, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 426, 1, p. 57-69 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  100. Published

    Nonperturbative quantum gravity

    Ambjørn, Jan, Goerlich, A., zJukiewic, J. & Loll, R., 1 Oct 2012, In: Physics Reports. 519, 4-5, p. 127-210 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  101. Published

    Spectator field dynamics in de Sitter and curvaton initial conditions

    Enqvist, K., Lerner, R. N., Taanila, O. & Tranberg, A., 1 Oct 2012, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2012, 10, p. 052

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  102. Published

    Asymptotically Schrodinger space-times

    Hartong, J. & Roller, B., 1 Sep 2012, In: Fortschritte der Physik. 60, 9-10. SI, p. 1044-1049 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review