Research Collaboration: 2024.12.16 Partnership between Strong and CNPq Over the past months, the Strong Group hosted Mateus Malato from the Federal University of Pará (Belém-PA, Brazil), along with Pedro Croti and Lucas Tobias from the Federal University of ABC (São Paulo-SP, Brazil).
Black hole week: 2024.12.12 Physicists talk about Physics The Strong Group organized the Black Hole Week and the Black Holes Inside and Out in August, an inspiring set of initiatives on black hole physics.
General Relativity and Gravity: 2024.12.09 The sound of black holes in Osaka & Taipei Vitor Cardoso was a plenary speaker at two major meetings with over 200 participants on gravity.
Award: 2024.11.21 ULisboa Award for Vítor Cardoso Vítor Cardoso was awarded the 2024 Ulisboa Award for his “extraordinary contributions to theoretical physics and to scientific progress on a global scale,” according to the press release by University of Lisboa.
2024.11.05 Maarten van de Meent awarded ERC Synergy grant Maarten van de Meent, current member of the Strong Group at NBI, is one of the four principal investigators of the GWSky project, which was awarded 12 million euros by the European Research Council to investigate…
2024.10.17 Strong at LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Barcelona Recently, the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration hosted one of its biannual meetings in Barcelona from September 23-26, 2024. The goal was to gather many members of the collaboration working on a vast variety of topics…
2024.10.01 Center of Gravity (CoG): a new DNRF Center of Excellence at NBI In 2025, NBI will host a new DNRF Center of Excellence called the Center of Gravity (CoG), to link theory and observations with the primary goal of uncovering the fundamental physics governing the nature of gravity at…
2024.09.30 Strong at TEONGRAV Last week, Sept 16-20, La Sapienza University of Rome hosted the first TEONGRAV international workshop on the theory of gravitational waves. TEONGRAV is a collaboration of 11 research groups from across Italy, all…
2024.09.26 Strong hosted Ringdown Inside and Out This summer the Strong group hosted the Ringdown Inside and Out meeting. The event took place in Copenhagen from August 22-24, 2024, inside the glass conference room of the Danish Architecture Center (DAC), directly…
2024.09.19 Weak Leaks of Wave Dark Matter Extensions to the Standard Model suggest the existence of new ultralight fundamental fields, potentially describing dark matter, that are up to 10^28 times lighter than the electron. In a Physical Review Letters,…
2024.09.19 Laura Bassi award for Maggio Elisa Maggio received the Laura Bassi Prize for early-career women in physics by the Italian Physics Society. She received the prize on September 9th at the national congress of the Italian Physics Society in Bologna…
2024.09.16 Black hole binaries may unveil new particles Gravitational waves emitted by the merger of black holes could carry information about the existence of new particles in nature. The mechanism that makes this possible is called “superradiance”. In this process,…
2024.08.31 Black holes everywhere! Black holes in Kongens Nytorv, black holes in the Black Diamond, Black holes everywhere! Black holes came to Copenhagen in August 2024. The Strong Group & The Niels Bohr Institute celebrated 50 years of Hawking radiatio…
2024.08.14 #blackholeweek The #blackholeweek is taking place in Copenhagen this August! The Strong Group is co-organizing a series of events happening across Copenhagen at the end of August to celebrate the 50 years anniversary of Hawking…
2024.08.13 Resonance Dimitris Theocharis, a visual artist and one of the artists in residency at Strong in 2024, inaugurated today his beautiful art installation entitled Resonance (2024). Resonance is an artwork designed to react to the…
2024.08.12 Shilpa joins Saha as Associate Professor Strong postdoc Shilpa Kastha will join the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in India as an Associate Professor at the end of the year. Thankful to all her mentors and friends for being the giants on whose shoulders sh…
2024.08.12 Gregorio Carullo moves to Birmingham Starting later this year, Strong member Gregorio Carullo will join the Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the University of Birmingham, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Full of excitement for this new…
2024.08.12 1K clicks in a month Our webpage recently achieved a milestone of 1,000 clicks from Google Search within a span of 28 days. On average, we received 36 clicks per day redirected from Google's search engine. It possibly shows the impact of…
2024.07.15 “Milla Baldo Ceolin” National Prize for Marta Cocco Marta Cocco has been awarded the prestigious “Milla Baldo Ceolin” National Prize of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) for the year 2023. This prize, entitled “Woman in Theoretical Physics”, is assigned t…
2024.07.15 New Horizons for Psi In recent years, there has been significant advancement and a notable surge in the exploration of fundamental field in regions with strong gravity. In light of this expanding and evolving community, the New Horizons fo…
2024.07.01 Gravity Seminar: Mikolaj Korzynski Title: Optical drift effects in general relativity Abstract: I will discuss the redshift and the position drifts in general relativity, i.e. the temporal variations of the redshift and the position on the sky of a ligh…
2024.06.28 Master defense by Edgars Karnickis On Monday June 17, 2024 at 13.00 in Bk2 at Blegdamsvej, Edgars Karnickis will defend his master thesis supervised by David Pereñiguez Rodriguez, and Vitor Cardoso. Censor will be Marta Orselli (University of Perugia).…
2024.06.28 Simulating the Future through Science Fiction Jaime Redondo-Yuste recently was part of the winning team of the PSI 15th Anniversary Reunion Pitch Grant. The event took place at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Waterloo (Canada), while celebrating th…
2024.06.28 Force Times Velocity During the Rijksakademie Open Studios 2024, artist Alexandra Hunts and special guest Professor Vitor Cardoso, an expert in gravitational-wave and black-hole physics from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, embarked…
2024.05.27 To Infinity and Beyond: A Visit to Caltech Rodrigo Panosso Macedo was invited to visit Caltech this month, where his research program on a novel geometrical framework and numerical techniques for the field of black hole perturbation theory attracted significant…
2024.05.21 Tomás Ortín visits Strong Professor Tomás Ortín from the Instituto de Física Teórica (Madrid) visited Strong in May. Tomas is an expert on gravity, supergravity and string theory. Besides being a collaborator of the group, working with David…
2024.05.20 A strong team visits IHES Recently, two members of the Strong Group, Gregorio Carullo and Marina De Amicis, traveled to the quaint town of Bures-sur-Yvette, near Paris, to visit the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES). The purpose o…
2024.05.04 Eclipse of time: a journey into black holes Vitor has written a book (Eclipse of time: a journey into black holes, or "Eclipse do tempo: um guia para entrar em buracos negros," in portuguese) on black holes, a journey that starts with the notion of time and…
2024.04.20 Strong PhD Days in Aud A The Strong Group organized a two day PhD event on April 18-19, 2024, which took place in the historic Auditorium A at Blegdamsvej. The program gave voice to 9 of the Strong PhD students, as well as our two artists in…
2024.03.28 Marica Minucci to join Strong Marica Minucci will join the Strong Group as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow to work on the FundBHspec project: “Fundaments of Black Hole Spectroscopy” in collaboration with Rodrigo Panosso Macedo. This project is…
Searching for ringdown higher modes with a numerical relativity-informed post-merger model: 2024.03.21 Searching for ringdown higher modes Do black holes behave as we expect? Is General Relativity the correct theory of gravity in the dynamical high-curvature regime? Spacetime vibrations, generated when the remnant black hole briefly shakes for a few…
2024.03.18 Internships at Strong Strong is now stronger, with two French students joining us for their Masters. Jamil Assaad joined us from Lyon and is working with Vitor and Rodrigo Panosso Macedo. The project aims to study black hole perturbation…
2024.03.06 Uncovering the final steps of black holes’ swing dance Black holes are attractive objects, often preferring to live in couples. When left alone, these couples (known as “binaries”) pierce through the remainder of their long lives obeying a reassuring routine: they dance…
2024.02.22 Einstein Waves: a Strong network The Strong Group is now part of a European network set to study nonlinear aspects of Einstein equations. The effort is funded by a Marie Curie RISE project: 101131233 — EinsteinWaves. Other nodes in Europe include…
2024.01.27 LISA moves into adoption stage LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, has passed a major review with flying colours: the entire concept – from the definition of the overall mission and operations to the space hardware to be built – stood up t…
2024.01.27 GWverse: the Action that looked up In 2017, the European COST Action CA16104 Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics (GWverse) was started, chaired by Prof Cardoso, and linking 3 scientific communities that were largely disjoint: one…
2024.01.07 Jann Zosso joins Strong More than a hundred years after Einstein's prediction of their existence, the gravitational wave revolution in physics has now begun. While almost a hundred events of binary coalescence's have already been observed and…
2024.01.04 NBI joins the LIGO Scientific Collaboration The LIGO Scientific Collaboration was responsible for the discovery of gravitational waves from coalescing black holes in 2015, which granted the founders of the project the Nobel Prize in physics in 2017. Since then…