5 October 2022

Inauguration of Villum Investigator project

Tuesday September 27, 2022, we hosted the Inauguration of the Villum Investigator project entitled 'Illuminating the Dark Universe with Gravitational Waves' under Prof. Vitor Cardoso. A full auditorium in Niels Bohr's historic Auditorium A helped us kick off the Strong Group's research agenda on gravitational waves and black holes.

Prof. Vitor Cardoso gave a talk about the Strong Group's exciting research ahead as well as some personal background, and the event was facilitated by the Director of the Niels Bohr International Academy, Poul Henrik Damgaard, under which the Strong Group is organised.

A warm thanks to our speakers Prof. Bernd Brügmann from Friedrich Schiller University Jena for his talk on Einstein's Waves, to Chairman of the Board at the Villum Foundation, Jens Kann-Rasmussen, who gave us insights into how the foundation works. Thank you also to Pro-dean of Science Lise Arleth for opening the Inauguration and grounding the event in the spirit of the University of Copenhagen and a heartfelt thanks to the Director of the Niels Bohr Institute, Jan W. Thomsen, for offering the closing remarks on this exciting research agenda and placing it in the context of Bohr's own research.

Please find a few pictures of the event here.