28 December 2022

Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics 2023

Strong team Assistant Professors Maarten van de Meent and Jose Maria Ezquiaga are organising a Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics.

The winter school will take place in the beautiful Norwegian mountains from Jan. 29th to Feb. 3rd 2023. It will introduce PhD students, master students and Postdocs to gravitational wave astronomy and astrophysical black hole formation, from stellar mass compact objects to super massive black holes.

The School is a joint effort of the Niels Bohr International Academy and will have as invited lecturer Elisa Bortolas (University of Milano Bicocca), Simon Portegies Zwart (University of Leiden) and Aaron Zimmerman (University of Texas Austin). Both Maarten and Jose will also give guest lectures at the school.

More information can be found at Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics.