4 August 2023

Art & Science discussion at Møn

On July 29, 2023 Prof. Cardoso participated in a discussion on art and science at an event organized by the Container Academy and Kunsthal 44Moen, which took place in Moen, an island in south-eastern Denmark.

The conversation was moderated by Professor and artist Bjørn Nørgaard and included a facilitated discussion between Prof. Cardoso and the Ukranian artist Alexandra Hunts. They were given a piece of chalk and a blackboard and were asked to share their respective practices with each other and discuss the two forms of knowledge they represent: evidence-based and speculative.

About the Container Academy in Nordhavn
The Container Academy is currently under construction in the Nordhavn section of Copenhagen and is expected to be inaugurated and in operation from November 2023. It will accommodate 30 studios and two large joint workshops in one large “container” – an industrial building covered with steel sheets. The “Academy” in Container Academy refers to the School of Athens; the Socratic idea of equal conversation between free people as expounded by Plato.

The Container Academy at Kunsthal 44Møen this summer is a container, and an example of how a discussion and conversation can take place in the final Container Academy in Nordhavn.

Photo: Thomas Gunnar Bagge