11 February 2023

Infinity on a gridshell @ NBI

In recent years, hyperboloidal methods have started to play a critical role in black-hole perturbation theory as they have expanded into diverse applications such as the computation of long-time wave equations, quasi-normal modes, alternative theories of gravity, effective-one-body formalism, and self-force. Extensive progress has been achieved during the past decade, with many developments targeting the generic solution of nonlinear Einstein equations.

The Infinity on a Gridshell workshop aims to bring together leading experts to review and summarize the progress in hyperboloidal methods. Our goal is to assess the current state-of-the-art of these methods in a wide range of applications and to foster new collaborations. We will particularly focus on solving the full Einstein equations for astrophysically relevant scenarios.

The meeting will be held at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. The Niels Bohr Institute carries an important legacy in physics and is one of the leading institute in theoretical and experimental physics. Copenhagen is a very enjoyable and beautiful city, and as the capital of Denmark has plenty of wonderful things to do and is easy to reach. and we would be thrilled to organize a small historical tour of the institute. The entire Nordic region has plenty to offer and is a remarkable place for summer vacations.