22 February 2023

Strong at NBIA Day 2023

On February 9, 2023, the Strong Group participated in the NBIA Day 2023, an event organized by the Niels Bohr International Academy at the Odd Fellow Palace in central Copenhagen. The NBIA Day showcased the amazing science that we’re all doing. Professor Vitor Cardoso gave a talk on Black Holes and Gravity, the 6 Strong PhD students each gave a 2-minutes’ run-down of their current projects, and we had 6 Scientific posters for the poster session by our postdocs and assistant professors.

In addition, the NBIA Day 2023 featured interdisciplinary networking amongst the many different research groups housed in the International Academy, such as the Gravitational Astrophysics group, the Theoretical Particle Physics group, the Astroparticle Physics group, the Condensed Matter Physics group and the Soft and Biological Active Matter group.

There were also two talks on ‘Cultural Intelligence: how diversity boosts research’ by Connecting Cultures and ‘Social Rules and Social Life in Denmark: How to Make Friends and Avoid Offending Anybody’ by Kay Xander Mellish.

The event was organized by Poul Henrik Damgaard, Gosia Dekempe, Julie de Molade, Amin Doostmohammadi, Charlotte Kristjansen, Johan Samsing, Irene Tamborra.