19 April 2023

Strong Group Annual Report and Highlights 2022

The Strong Group has had an exciting beginning of our research endeavors in 2022, and we hereby share the annual reports and highlights submitted to our funding bodies: the Villum Foundation and the Danish National Research Foundation.

Please find the two Strong Reports 2022 below.
Submitted to the Villum Foundation: Strong Annual Report 2022
Submitted to the Danish National Research Foundation: Strong Highlights 2022 (in Danish: Strong Højdepunkter 2022).

About the Strong Group
The Strong Group explores black holes as engines of discovery for fundamental physics. We lay down a precise roadmap for black hole spectroscopy, for quantifying the evidence for horizons in the cosmos, and we study how to constraint dark matter properties using black holes as laboratories. This coordinated program studies and tests the strong-field regime of gravity and the matter content of our universe. The proposed program will significantly advance our knowledge of Einstein’s field equations and their role in foundational questions, including the fate and resolution of spacetime singularities.

The Strong Group is funded by a Villum Investigator Grant, Illuminating the dark universe with gravitational waves, from the Villum Foundation, which began January 1, 2022. This grant is complemented by a DNRF Chair grant, Black hole spectroscopy in the gravitational-wave era, which began October 1, 2022.