Galaxies in the early Universe: 2023.05.10 Nearby galaxies help astronomers understand distant galaxies In a newly published study researchers show how the amount of light that escapes from a galaxy is…
Space: 2023.04.18 First ever asteroid hit by spacecraft could save the Earth from impact Humanity’s first attempt to re-direct asteroids that could collide with Earth, the NASA Double…
Gamma-ray burst: 2023.03.29 The brightest explosion ever seen A particularly bright Gamma-ray burst was recently detected by several space telescopes, and a team…
Black holes 2023.03.09 Intergalactic gas brings supermassive black holes at the heart of galaxies to life Black holes become active and grow by consuming gas captured from other galaxies. This is the…
ASTROPHYSICS 2023.02.15 Astrophysicists discover the perfect explosion in space When neutron stars collide they produce an explosion that, contrary to what was believed until…
Life in space: 2023.02.06 Does ice in the Universe contain the molecules making up the building blocks of life in planetary systems? If you want to build a habitable planet, ice, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. These…
Galaxy formation: 2023.01.31 Early galaxy formation caught in the act with James Webb Astronomers from the Cosmic Dawn Center have unveiled the nature of the densest region of galaxies…
Cosmic explosions: 2022.12.08 Astronomers discover enigmatic cosmic explosion Astronomers from the Niels Bohr Institute played an important role in the study that may lead us to…
James Webb Space Telescope: 2022.11.23 Farthest galaxy candidate yet known discovered by James Webb These galaxies seem to be so massive that they challenge our understanding of how structure forms i…
ERC SYNERGY 2022.10.25 World-class research into Greenland's oldest ice and the Universe's densest stars win very large EU grants When was Greenland actually green? And how does the Universe make gold, platinum and uranium?…