Grant: 2018.11.08 DKK 22 million project intensifies the hunt for the fundamental building blocks of the Universe at CERN Research Infrastructure will upgrade the University of Copenhagen’s particle detectors and data…
PORTRAIT OF BOHR: 2018.11.07 Lighthouses on stripes - Monica paints Bohr Monica Ritterband, who as a child lived next to the Aage Bohr family for several years, has recentl…
2018.11.05 Congratulations to Johannes Lohmann Congratulations to Johannes Lohmann at Centre for Ice and Climate who successfully defended his PhD…
New diagnostic tool: 2018.11.01 Bohr-scientists figure out how to measure electrical activity in a fetal heart Within just three years new equipment will make it possible to diagnose specific fetal heart…
Ultraprecise sensors: 2018.10.31 Active noise control for a quantum drum Researchers of the Schliesser Lab at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have…
QUANTUM RESEARCH: 2018.10.29 A billion Euros for quantum research Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen are part of a high-profile…
Ministerial visit: 2018.10.23 Chinese Minister of Science and Technology visits NBI with a delegation In connection with the PG4 Summit in Copenhagen last week, where the Chinese Minister of Science an…
INDUSTRY COLABORATION: 2018.10.16 Research project to develop better x-ray scanners to ensure the quality of everything from cold cuts to avocadoes With an investment of 9 million kroner from the Innovation Fund Denmark and a total budget of 17…
New position: 2018.10.11 Lene B. Oddershede to be Head of Natural and Technical Science Research and Interdisciplinarity at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Lene B. Oddershede, professor and head of Center of Excellence StemPhys at the Niels Bohr Institute…
Niels Bohr International Gold Medal: 2018.10.08 Leading Danish researcher receives Niels Bohr medal One of the world’s leading researchers on catalysis, Prof. Jens Kehlet Nørskov from the Technical…