ERC Advanced Grant: 2018.04.12 Eugene Polzik receives ERC Advanced Grant for the second time, this time for 16.2 million DKK Since the ERC Advanced Grant was established ten years ago in 2008, 50 of these special grants have…
Grant: 2017.11.20 Eugene Polzik receives DKK 10 million for fundamental research and innovation in quantum optics QUANTOP at the Niels Bohr Institute has attracted DKK 10 million funding from two funding agencies,…
Quantum physics: 2017.07.13 Smart atomic cloud solves Heisenberg's observation problem One of the most fundamental principles of physics, "Quantum Back Action", has been challenged by…
Quantum membranes for ultraprecise mechanical measurements: 2016.12.21 The Sound of Quantum Vacuum Quantum mechanics dictates sensitivity limits in the measurements of displacement, velocity and…
Quantum Technology: 2016.09.23 Effective reflection of light for quantum technology Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have developed a new method where they create a very strong…
Steering committe member: 2016.09.13 Eugene Polzik on the steering committee for EU quantum technology flagship The EU will launch a €1 billion innovative quantum technology project. In order to develop a progra…
Quantum physics: 2016.07.15 Optical magnetic field sensor can detect signals from the nervous system The human body is controlled by electrical impulses in, for example, the brain, the heart and…
ERC Grant 2015.09.18 Eugene Polzik receives ERC grant Eugene Polzik, professor and head of the Center for Quantum Optics, Quantop at the Niels Bohr…
Quantum physics 2015.03.30 Super sensitive measurement of magnetic fields in swinging atoms There are electrical signals in the nervous system, the brain and throughout the human body and…
Award: 2014.11.19 Eugene Polzik receives Danish Association of Masters and PhDs’ Research Award Eugene Polzik, professor and head of the research group Quantop at the Niels Bohr Institute has…