Eccentric self-forced inspirals into a rotating black hole

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


We develop the first model for extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) into a rotating massive black hole driven by the gravitational self-force (GSF). Our model is based on an action angle formulation of the method of osculating geodesics for eccentric, equatorial (i.e., spin-aligned) motion in Kerr space-time. The forcing terms are provided by an efficient spectral interpolation of the first-order GSF in the outgoing radiation gauge. We apply a near-identity (averaging) transformation to eliminate all dependence of the orbital phases from the equations of motion, while maintaining all secular effects of the first-order GSF at post-adiabatic order. This implies that the model can be evolved without having to resolve all O(10(5)) orbit cycles of an EMRI, yielding an inspiral model that can be evaluated in less than a second for any mass-ratio. In the case of a non-rotating central black hole, we compare inspirals evolved using self-force data computed in the Lorenz and radiation gauges. We find that the two gauges generally produce differing inspirals with a deviation of comparable magnitude to the conservative self-force correction. This emphasizes the need for including the (currently unknown) dissipative second order self-force to obtain gauge independent, post-adiabatic waveforms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number145004
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number14
Number of pages40
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2022
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • extreme mass ratio inspirals, gravitational self force, relativistic celestial mechanics, gravitational waveform modeling, eccentricity, GRAVITATIONAL-RADIATION REACTION, TEUKOLSKY EQUATION, ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS, PERTURBATIONS, WAVES

ID: 334655406